Gennix IT Consulting — Our Story | 604.534.9161
Keeping You and Your Data Connected

Our Story

IT is About People

Having a system that works efficiently and effectively allows my workflow in my day to flow smoothly.
I very much appreciate all that you do for myself and my colleagues.
When we are not contacting you we are taking for granted your excellent service!
— Dr Mary Kagan BScH MD CCFP, Capitol Hill Medical Clinic



Let's be honest, most business owners are not really interested in how their computer technology works...just that it works, period.  But somebody needs to care about the how of it all and that is our mission at Gennix Consulting where our unofficial motto is "keeping people connected to their data". Ultimately information technology is all about people and connecting those people to the right information in a timely and secure manner.

How it all started

Erik Edge and Ren Giesbrecht met in the summer of 2007 after being connected through a mutual contact (it's actually quite an interesting story we'd be happy to share with you over coffee sometime).  The first meeting turned into a fascinating three hour conversation between two veteran IT technicians. Ren and Erik discovered they had many values in common and a wide breadth of experience that if combined could become something special. The conversation became a joint-venture and then a partnership in 2009. Gennix was born!

What We've Learned

2500 years ago when the Greek philosopher Heraclitus uttered the words "The only thing that is constant is change" he didn't realize he was talking about the IT industry! And oh my goodness the change is constant.  So how does Gennix keep up with all the change?  Well we install and run solutions on our own network before we recommend them to our clients; known in the industry as 'dogfooding'.  We require our technicians to take courses and write exams on computer and networking concepts so they are capable troubleshooters when problems arise.  We stay in touch with others in our industry to learn what is working well for them.  And we make a concerted effort to instill customer service values in each Gennix team member because we want to delight our clients.

How Our Clients Win

Through this process of learning we've come to formulate IT support the Gennix way. Busy clients are looking for a quick response to their requests for assistance so we've developed the 30 minute response guarantee. Our clients can expect the Gennix team to be starting the IT support process in less than 30 minutes after the request is made.  

We really care about making IT smooth for our clients so that it is almost unnoticeable, in a good way! Erik says "I don't just want the client to feel good about their IT; I want to feel good about their IT".  

We've been at this gig for quite a while now and have a deep understanding of what IT can do for business owners to make them efficient and their businesses profitable.  We're good at steering our clients toward solutions that really work and away from ideas and products that may seem cool but are really not that great. As Ren puts it "I really enjoy getting to know our clients with their particular needs and then curating IT solutions that really make a difference in the way they use and enjoy their computer networks."

So if you are not a Gennix client yet let's get a coffee and chat to see if we might be a good fit for your company. The coffee will be on us!


Get in touch

Finding or changing an IT support company is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to discuss your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

Book an Appointment

Gennix Sponsorships

Dr. Imtiaz Hassam - The Ride to Conquer Cancer

As a physician, I work with many of my patients who are fighting this battle and this is one more way for me to celebrate their courage and to be a part of conquering cancer. 

As a physician, I work with many of my patients who are fighting this battle and this is one more way for me to celebrate their courage and to be a part of conquering cancer. 

joshua edge - mission to the dominican republic

I want to thank Gennix Consulting for contributing to me being able to go on this trip. I went on this trip as a way to explore my faith, while contributing in what ways I could to a small impoverished community called Nagua in the Dominican Republi…

I want to thank Gennix Consulting for contributing to me being able to go on this trip. I went on this trip as a way to explore my faith, while contributing in what ways I could to a small impoverished community called Nagua in the Dominican Republic. We spent the mornings alternating between construction of a playground and kids ministry at schools, and we spent the evenings visiting local church's, leading worship and sharing testimonies. I am not sure what impact we had on their community there, but I know the team, including myself, were all very impacted by what we saw and the experiences we had. - Josh

Gennix Sponsors the Cloverdale Bantam AAA Boys Baseball Team - Go Spurs!